What is a heat recovery fan (also known as a recuperator)?
As the name suggests, it is a ventilator, supplying fresh air and removing stale and damp air – all the while recuperating the heat so that a negligible amount of it is wasted.
Why heat recovery and who needs it?
Heat Recovery Ventilators (also referred to as HRV / MVHR) are a necessity in most of today’s buildings in our climate.
We could all benefit from the wide range of features that heat recovery has on offer, starting with health and wellbeing, and ending with ongoing financial gains.
Ventilation was always a very important factor in maintaining the building’s health, but ever since ventilation was coupled with heat recovery, things truly took off.
Heat recovery ventilators utilise clever technology to retain the heat from expelled air and use it to temper the fresh air incoming to the property.
We use heat recovery ventilators to reduce energy waste while supplying crucial air circulation to our premises.

Where would Ambientika heat recovery ventilators be particularly useful?
Bathrooms – to minimise installation costs, use our Advanced 100mm Bathroom model for wall mounting in your bathroom (you can even re-use your existing 100mm hole)
Basement / Garden flats – for optimal results, use a combination of our Solo models with Time Delay Module or Dew Point Controller to combat the dampness most effectively.
Rooms with a tendency to get mould – to prevent excessive mould growth, use any of our Ambientika models to improve air quality and keep humidity levels in check.
So why use single room heat recovery ventilators (as opposed to a central heat recovery ventilation system for the whole house)?
The idea is the same in both cases.
The difference is that with the central system, the whole system of ductwork needs to be run throughout the property so that the central unit is able to supply and extract the air from all the targeted rooms. This requires careful planning and taking into account the discharge of condensation from inside the ducting. Extensive works and consecutive repairs involve high costs and major disruption.
However, a de-centralised system (single room heat recovery) tackles the same problem one room at a time. Generally, there is no ducting involved (with some possible exceptions where a short run might be required), which makes the condensation discharge system redundant. The works are localised, resulting in far less disruption and much lower costs.
Also, the beauty of the de-centralised system is flexibility. Various rooms can be easily connected (wirelessly or by cable) to form an equivalent of the central system, often offering even more flexibility, too. The configuration can be changed easily.
Are there any significant maintenance costs?
The ongoing costs are minimal. With a de-centralised system consisting of single room units, the maintenance costs are very low. A periodic filter clean with occasional replacement is all that’s needed. All so easy to do, it can be performed by the end-user. There is no need for servicing.

Why choose us? Why Ambientika and not other brands?
If you want a reason, we’ll give you four:
- Market-leading efficiency in heat recovery. Our product achieves up to 93% efficiency, placing it at the top of the league.
- The unique design places the motor on the outer side of the unit, behind the heat exchanger – resulting in less noise coming into the property.
- Classy aesthetics ensure our product becomes a feature, rather than a tolerated necessity.
- We are ecologically conscious. Our units are not shipped from the other side of the world – they are made in Europe.

Who are we?
UKvent.uk is operated by UK Decor Ltd.
We are a UK nationwide supplier of market-leading recuperators, proudly made in Europe by Südwind – a company of German origin out of the South Tyrol autonomous region in northern Italy.